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Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night

April 24, 2017  ·  6 min read

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Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night

The National SleepFoundation (NSF) Sleep Awareness Week© was established to encourage the public to prioritize sleep as a means towards leading a healthier and happier lifestyle.

5 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night

This year’s theme is “Sleep Better, Feel Better.” and we are promoting this annual event by providing our top 5 proven solutions for people with sleep troubles.

1. Master Your Circadian Rhythm

Your circadian rhythm is the 24 hour cycle which determines the sleeping pattern for your body. This rhythm determines when your body releases hormones like melatonin, which helps you relax for deeper sleep. External factors such as your behavior, light exposure, and temperature can have major effects on your circadian rhythm.

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule. A regular schedule helps your body regulate your sleep preparation cycle and melatonin levels. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each night, even on the weekends when possible.
  • Use bright light exposure. Physicians treating insomnia patients have had success with increasing daytime bright light exposure which improved sleep quality and duration. This technique also reduced the time it took to fall asleep by 83%!
  • Avoid blue light. Blue light tricks your body into thinking it is daytime so it’s best to avoid devices that emit blue lights for at least 2 hours before bed. Devices such as cell phones, tablets, computers, and televisions all emit blue lights.

Tips to Avoid Blue light:

  • Set an alarm for two hours prior to bedtime to remind yourself when you should begin avoiding blue lights.
  • Wear glasses that block blue light.
  • If you must use a device prior to bed, download an app such as f.lux to block blue light at a specified time on your laptop, computer, or cell phone.
  • If your alarm clock emits light, turn it away from the bed to avoid viewing the screen.

2. Rethink your eating habits

Your eating habits have a major impact on your ability to fall asleep and sleep soundly. Getting a good night’s sleep can be as simple as making small adjustments to your eating habits!

Reduce your caffeine intake. Research has shown that even drinking caffeine in the morning can affect your sleep. People who suffer from insomnia may want to consider avoiding caffeine altogether.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol late at night. Alcohol can reduce nighttime melatonin production and disrupts your sleep pattern.
  • Avoid eating too heavy or too close to bedtime. Consuming a large meal before bed can lead to poor sleep due to food digestion and hormone disruption.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking water throughout the day is crucial for your overall health but drinking too close to bedtime can cause bladder disruptions.
  • Eat a healthier diet. You will feel better overall and a well balanced diet helps reduce your risk of sleep disruptive health issues.

3. Reduce stress… ASAP!

According to the 2015 Sleep in America™ poll, stress is a key factor in causing shorter sleep duration and poor sleep quality. However, using the right stress reduction methods can help you close the gap in your sleep debt!

Tips for turning your bedroom into a relaxing peaceful sanctuary:

  • Eliminate any external noise and light. Investing in blackout curtains, or noise cancellation headphones could significantly improve your sleep quality.
  • Find the right temperature for your sleep. Most people seem to prefer around 70°F, or 20°C, although it always depends on your preferences and what you’re used to.
  • Use the bed for intimacy or sleep only. It can be tempting to watch TV or use a laptop or phone in bed, but these distractions can easily distract you from maxing out your sleep time.
  • Make sure your room is clean and tidy. Messy areas can increase your stress levels and cause your mind to wander as you may begin to think about the chores you have to do.
  • Make sure your bedding is providing the comfort and support you need. Research shows that your bed, mattress, and pillow can greatly impact sleep quality and joint or back pain.
  • Bonus Relaxation Tips: Listen to soothing music, read a book, meditate, take a hot bath or shower, practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization, get a massage

4. Be on the lookout for unknown medical concerns

There are many common conditions that can lower your sleep quality or duration of sleep. According to Dr. Foldvary-Schaefer, at least 9% of women and 24% of men are affected by sleep apnea and yet about 80% of people suffering from this condition go undiagnosed.

When to see a doctor:

  • Poor sleep is a consistent problem in your life.
  • You tend to snore or make choking noises during sleep.
  • You have pauses in breathing during sleep.
  • You gasp for air during sleep.
  • You frequently need to use the bathroom during sleep.
  • You commonly suffer from aches and pains.

Sleep improvement tips for medical concerns

  • Make sure you stay healthy. Weight loss can help reduce your risks of many medical conditions that impact your sleep.
  • The right mattress can help. It is crucial for your bed to provide proper support for your body. Some mattress types such as latex and memory foam can alleviate aches and pains by reducing pressure points.
  • Try sleeping in a different position. Dr. Foldvary-Schaefer advises that some people can see improvement in sleep apnea from simply avoiding sleeping on the back.

5. Exercise your way to a better night’s sleep!

Studies have shown that exercising during the day helps you sleep more soundly at night. In fact, one study showed that exercise in insomnia patients with severe issues provided more benefits than most drugs. Exercise reduced time to fall asleep by 55%, total night awake time by 30%, anxiety by 15% and increased total sleep time by 18%!

  • Exercising helps you expend your body’s un-used energy so you are more capable of sleeping soundly throughout the night
  • Yoga helps your body and mind relax and can reduce soreness at night
  • Avoid working out too close to bedtime as this may give you a boost of post-workout energy
  • A consistent exercise routine helps you feel more alert and energetic throughout the day so you get the most out of your sleep
  • Try a quick 15 minute exercise in the morning to kick start your energy levels, improve your mood, and boost your ability to concentrate

Texas Mattress Makers

We are excited to share the Texas Mattress Makers experience and expertise with you through our website. If you have any questions about a mattress or its components, our experts are happy to help whether you buy from us or not. Call us at (713) 341-6252 – we’re open 7 days a week in East Downtown Houston and Katy! Or, you can email us at and we will be happy to answer any questions you have!

We are happy to help you as you explore your mattress options and provide the answers you want to know about sleep! Take our Mattress Quiz today to get a mattress recommendation by one of our experts!


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