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November 27, 2018 · 2 min read
What happens when a former NFL player comes into a Texas Mattress Makers showroom? We take care of him of course!
Greg Koch, now radio talk-show host on SportsTalk 790 AM, played professional football for 11 years before he retired due to back issues. Prior to coming to see us at Texas Mattress Makers, Greg struggled to find a mattress that would allow him to sleep well and wake up rested. In fact, he was strongly considering back surgery he was so uncomfortable. However, before getting surgery, Greg decided to get fitted for a new bed first. The result? A custom mattress specifically designed to support his NFL-sized frame and no back surgery! “My mattress changed my life,” Greg said. He now sleeps through the night and does not have so much pain throughout the day. (Check out this Culture Map Article to learn more!)
Even if you aren’t a professional athlete, your sleep quality dramatically impacts your health. Your health is the most important investment you can make. As your body changes with age, so should your mattress. Be proactive! Your sleep health requires consistent attention to optimize your physical wellbeing, just like going to the gym or seeing a doctor. After all, you spend 1/3 of your life in bed, you might as well make it sure you are refreshed and comfortable every morning.
We are here to help you learn more about the proper mattress for your body type and age. No other mattress store in Houston knows more or cares more about how well you sleep than Texas Mattress Makers.
We make our mattresses just outside of Downtown Houston. There is no middle-man to drive up the price or to try and sell you something that isn’t right for you. The prices we offer you are factory-direct, saving your hundreds of dollars compared to other stores in Houston.
Before you visit one of our showrooms, explore our website to learn more about the people and passion behind our company. And, yes, we’ve got great specials right now too!
Check out our Showroom and Online Mattress Specials to SAVE TODAY!
Want to learn more about Greg Koch? Check out this Culture Map Article detailing how his Texas Mattress Makers Mattress helped him avoid surgery.
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